We’ve been around since 1942: quite how the club was formed in wartime years is a mystery. Perhaps it’s a prime example of “stiff-upper-lip-Britishness” and resilience – keep calm and take pictures!
Newton Abbot Photographic Club (NAPC) has championed photography ever since it was first formed. In those days it was something of an elitist hobby, but now it is far more accessible, particularly in this digital age, although some of our members still prefer the challenge of film and darkroom wizardry to the technical adventure of Photoshop.
We meet on Tuesday evenings from 7pm (for a 7.30pm start) from September to the end of April at the Courtenay Centre, Kingsteingnton Road, TQ12 2QA.
There is limited on-site parking, but the centre backs onto Cricketfield Carpark, with a very short alleyway leading through from there to the Courtenay Centre. Parking in Cricketfield is free after 6pm.
The Courtenay Centre has disabled access, with ramps and a lift for wheelchairs, mobility scooters, etc. There is also a hearing loop.
Membership Fees
Single member – £50.00
Couple – £90.00
Student – £20.00