Special Interest Groups

Our Special Interest Groups are available for members to participate in and are in addition to the main Tuesday evening programme.  We hope these groups will give interest and value to your membership. The venue for each of the groups might not be at the Courtenay Centre and usually meet once a month or so. We welcome your ideas for additional groups that could be of interest to other members, and please let us know if you would like to lead a group.

Photography Development Group

led by Gordon Aspland 

This group is open to any member of NAPC. We meet by Zoom on a Wednesday evening, 7:30 – 9:00, once a month all year. Members put forward 3 or 4 images for discussion when we talk about photographic techniques and post processing.  This is open to all members, beginners and experienced with the aim of improving our photography, sharing expertise, especially with less experienced, and at some point in the club year, showing all the membership some of the images we have been discussing. 


led by Chris Marsham

Members are encouraged to bring along some images in print or digital format for others to critique. Ideas for improvement may be offered, if appropriate, with thoughts on how to achieve an improved end result. All critique is offered in a friendly and supportive manner, even if it is a case of ‘back to the drawing board’!


led by Alan Boothman

The AV workers take the chance to show work in progress and invite constructive critique, as well as picking up loads of tips on using the latest software. The prime aim is for each participant to produce and refine at least one sequence for the annual AV Night at the club and these examples of contributions show the wide variety of styles and interests of the group members.


led by Mike Cowley

A number of outings take place throughout the year, even when the club is in recess over the summer. This is an opportunity to get to know other club members, learn from each other, compare results at a later date, and show at members’ evenings.

If you wish to know more and take part in any of these groups, please email the MEMBERS’ SECRETARY ON THIS LINK and your details will be passed to the group leader.