Club Competitions

Open competitions are held monthly, for either Prints or Projected Digital (PDI) Images. The best entries (in the opinion of the judge) are given a grade of Gold, Silver, Bronze or Highly Commended, and these results contribute to the relevant annual awards as listed below. The annual Master Photographer competition takes place toward the end of the season and requires entries from the selected themes specified for the season. In the last month, and Images of the Year competition ranks the best of the season.

The entry form can be downloaded as a PDF  or WORD document.


  1. The NAPC Photographer of the Year award is presented to the member who has gained the highest total of points from the monthly competitions of that season, across both sections.
  1. The PDI Worker of the Year award is presented to the member who has gained the highest total of points from the PDI monthly competitions.
  1. The Print Worker of the Year award is presented to the member who has gained the highest total of points from the Print monthly competitions.
  1. NAPC Images of the Year awards are made to the winners of each of the three sections (Colour Print, Mono Print, and PDI), in the annual Images of the Year competition.
  1. The Master Photographer award is made to recognise the season winner for the highest points in the annual Master Photographer competition.




Rule 1 Members must have photographed the entries themselves, including those used in digital work. Copies or derivatives of other people’s work will not be accepted into any competition.

Rule 2 There will be five monthly rounds, each with an open theme. There is no time limit as to when the pictures were taken.

Rule 3 Two rounds will be restricted to Prints, when members may enter THREE prints MAXIMUM. They can be any combination of Monochrome or Colour. Prints must be designated 1, 2, and 3. In the event of a high number of entries, image 3 will be withdrawn. Note: The Master Photographer series gives an additional opportunity for print entry, as an alternative to PDI.

Rule 4 Three rounds will be restricted to PDI, when members may enter THREE Projected Digital Images MAXIMUM. PDI filenames must be designated _01, _02, and _03. In the event of a high number of competition entries, image _03 will be withdrawn. The withdrawn image may be entered in a subsequent monthly competition.

Rule 5 Entries must be presented on the dates indicated in the Club Programme which can now be found on HERE

Rule 6 Judges are asked to give ‘maximum consideration’ to the critique of all entries, particularly to help the less experienced photographers. The judges are also asked to grade any number of images, which they consider to be of extra merit, using the categories Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Highly Commended. Some will indicate a “near-miss”.

For the purpose of the end of the year awards, (Photographer, PDI Worker, and Print Worker, of the Year), all entered images in the ‘monthly competition’ will receive at least one point, whilst Highly Commended to Gold will receive a total of 2 to 5 points respectively.

Rule 7 Any Print or PDI may be submitted for a monthly competition only once, unless previously withdrawn due to unmanageable high numbers, and must not have been used in the Master Photographer series. If the image is subsequently produced in a different format it may be submitted once again, but not in the same season.

Rule 8 To be eligible for any competition, the entrant must be a fully subscribed member of Newton Abbot Photographic Club.

Rule 9 Titles are required for Projected Digital Images. Titles are optional, but preferred, for prints. There must be no names on entries, only the membership number.

Rule 10 All submissions must be accompanied by completed entry form, which is downloadable from the website. The entry form can be downloaded as a PDF  or WORD document.



  1. Entries must be mounted on card, (or similar), with a size of 50cm x 40cm.
  1. Framed or glass mounted submissions cannot be accepted.



  1. Projected Digital Images may be sourced from either digital camera files, or digitally scanned objects and / or photographic film images.
  1. All entries must be submitted by email, before midnight on the published dates, and must be supplied as simple attachments to the email, and must NOT be embedded. The email address is given on the entry form, which should also be attached to the email.
  1. Files must be carefully named to include your chosen title (max 30 characters), prefixed with your membership number, followed by _01, _02, or _03.

Example filename 010_01 Cat in a Coal-shed.jpg

The title should reflect the exact requirements of the member, including dis-played capitalisation and spaces, with hyphens, ( – ), only where appropriate. The use of the three-digit Membership Number, followed by an underscore (_), not a hyphen (-), followed by the 2-digit number, is fundamental to the competition software now used by NAPC. It also continues to allow the flexibility to limit entry numbers when required.

The organisers take no responsibility for misinterpreting the entrants’ requirements when not in the above format.

  1. JPG files should be provided within a 1600 x 1200 pixel overall landscape format, and must not exceed 2MB. The maximum width for a landscape image is there-fore 1600 pixels, and the maximum height for a portrait image is 1200 pixels. A 1600 x 1200 jpg image, at quality 10 or higher in Photoshop, will normally be less than 2MB. When resizing in the Image Size Windows Dialog box of your soft-ware, only the pixel width and height are important – ignore document physical width, height, and pixels per inch (ppi).
  1. The actual photographic image content may be of any size, orientation and aspect ratio, at or within the 1600 x 1200 pixel file format.
  1. Digital projectors are designed for use with images prepared in the sRGB colour space ICC profile. NAPC, in common with most clubs, now uses competition software which will remake your image if it is not provided in this colour space, or is over-size. All image editors – e.g. Photoshop, give the entrant the facility to provide SRGB originals.




Master Photographer is intended to challenge club members to take photographs on a variety of themes. Judging takes place on one of the normal club evenings. We want to encourage new work, so the age of the photos taken should not exceed 18 months, and they should not have appeared in any other competition prior to the evening. The work may not be used in subsequent club competitions in the same season, except for Images of the Year Competition, but may be used in critique sessions.
Prints and PDI should be provided in the normal competition formats, and must be presented on the dates indicated in the Programme. All images will be individually marked during the club evening. The Master Photographer award will be given to the photographer who has amassed the most points, combining prints and PDI.




1. Each member may enter a maximum of THREE Projected Digital Images (PDI), together with TWO Colour Prints (max) plus one Mono, OR TWO Mono Prints (max) plus one Colour.
2. Images must have been entered in a competition, Monthly or “Master Photographer”, in the current season.




The following is taken from PAGB e-news – Lots of interesting articles, you can subscribe to their newsletters or download from

DO I LIKE THIS PHOTOGRAPH? WHY? Perhaps 50% of the judges decision
Does it tell a story?
Does it make a statement?
Is it creative?
Does it show the subject in an unusual attractive way?
Does it use an interesting, fresh approach?
Does it utilise interesting techniques?
But … what could be changed to do this better?

SUBJECT MATTER AND CONTENT Perhaps 25% of the judges decision
Is this something that will provoke interest in others?
Something the viewer may not get to see due to travel opportunity/ early rising/field craft/etc.
Something you don’t notice because it is ordinary or familiar but shown in a new way.

PRODUCTION VALUES Perhaps 25% of the judges decision
Everything that goes into the creative process.
How was it made? How difficult was it?
What makes it different and/or better?
Composition, Lighting, Colour (or not)
Perspective, Viewpoint
Depth of Field, Angle of view

Is the focus accurate and the exposure appropriate?
Is the centre of interest (subject) the sharpest point?
Is it appropriately sharpened? Is it “over sharpened”
Does the Depth of Field enhance the subject or distract from it?
Does the overall (and specific area) contrast/suit the subject?
Are dark areas blocked up?
Are bright areas burnt out?
Are the colours pleasing? (not necessarily correct).
Good Technical Quality and Technique do not in themselves ensure good photographs, but without them you reduce the chances considerably that the judge will view your work with respect.